Not all our partners are thus on a formal basis, but some current and future projects will be delivered in partnership and with the support of the following organisations...
What the San Cluster says:
“Making Bible stories available to San groups in their own language and in a familiar, easily transferable media will offer an anchor of hope to those lost in a sea of change. It will provide a foundation of truth about God, His love for them, and their identity as His precious children. "
Botshelo Trust's Programme Manager is also the Filed Coordinator for the Seed Company's San Cluster
Partnership & Support

This local NGO focuses on human dignity through livelihood development. Being a neighbour organisation (geographically) to Botshelo Trust, they currently host Early Childhood Activities that we hop can be moved to Botshelo in the future.

SAVE hopes to invest in the future generation through conservation-oriented early childhood programmes. Currenly these are hosted at different venues in SHakawe area, but another could be hosted by botshelo in the future.