The previously mentioned Learning focus area links strongly with the focus area of Identity.
This focus area has 2 legs:
1. Cultural Identity
2. Christian Identitty
Programmes and projects like Bible Translation, Cultural Festivals and Cultural villages are aligned with this focus area.
Christianity has been accused of killing local cultures, but in reality God created different cultures. Knowing our cultural identity is the foundation of our humanity.
At Botshelo, we believe that if an individual/group know who they are in Christ (created in God’s image and restore to His image through Chirst), we all become able, confident and willing leaders and servants in our unique Godly-created communities and cultures.
The previous two focus areas, Learning and Identity leads naturally to the focus area of Leardership. This focus area has 2 legs:
1. Cultural leadership
2. Spiritual Leadership
Botshelo's understanding of Leadership is that we can only truly lead if we know our identity. Then we are not leaders like leadership it is proclaimed in general, but we can become true servant leaders.
In this focus area we partner with Bible Schools (like Mukhanyo Theological College distance learning); and the Global University of Lifelong Learning (GULL).
Projects include a pastoral encouragement group and the mentoring of the Cultural Custodians at Shaikarawe.
Botshelo sees learning as an experience and process that is wider than education. We aim to help people become life- long learners - to be able to solve their own problems. In this way they will be able to help themselves and become independent, so that they in turn can lead and serve.
The Learning focus area has 2 legs, namely:
1. Early Childhood Development
2. Youth & Adults
Learning is facilitated through either formal programmes or more intimate individual mentoring processes. All learning is grounded in a Christian worldview.